When should I enable the Scheduler?

The Docs dont say much about the schedulers, its role and why its off by default. I’m I missing some features with the Scheduler being off?

When should one activate it?

Hi, @adam26d Its more of calling functionality by the system itself if you look at hooks.py that says itself email functionality, recurring documents which are generated automatically by your machine and much more.for more detail, you can have look in hooks.py of erpnext app or frappe app

coming to

When should one activate it?

if you want to have above enlisted functionality you need to enable schedulers.

can any of you two add instructions on how to enable the scheduler?

Thanks @khushal_t. Will do!

@vrms Home · frappe/bench Wiki · GitHub should help with your query!

thanks for pointing to the right direction.
bench enable-scheduler is it then apparently.

so this is enabled by defaulf on the cloud instances, but disabled when you install yourself?

I’m not sure sure about the cloud instance provided by erpnext. But yes, the scheduler is disabled by default on self-hosted instances.

Hi @adam26d,
This is an old thread but when looking for the topic there is not many in the forum so I think this is will be helpful for others too.

Do you know how to enable it by default when doing bench new-site?

I have the pause-scheduler = 0 in the common_site_config.json but it always disabled when doing new-site.

Thank you