What's the Difference between Edit DocType and Customize?

I use ERPNext for a little period but I couldn’t know the Difference between Editing DocType and Customize,
and when I should edit fields in doctype or Customize
so, if you know the Difference share me the Knowledge, Please

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Edit Doctype: to be used when you’re using custom doctypes or development work. On production you won’t be able to edit standard doctypes.

Customize Form: to be used when you’re customizing standard doctypes such as Customer, Sales Invoice, etc.


When you Edit DocType, you change the database schema and meta data(or the JSON file of that doctype) and it becomes a change in core code which will cause issues on updating(if you do it on standard Frappe/ERPNext doctypes).

When you use Customize Form, you simple make changes to an existing doctype without altering anything else. Thereby saving you from all the hassle while updating.


baiscaly we use customize option for core doctype and edit option for custom doctype…customize doctype create custom folder in which sepate json file will also created…but in editdoctype not

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