What is the error?

This docs seems to be incorrect then. B/c I tried exactly like this. There is a version mismatch issue for hrms for sure.

According to this doc.

Install all the apps on our site

bench --site [site-name] install-app erpnext

Install all the other apps you downloaded in the same way. For example, if you downloaded the human resource app, use the below command to install it.

bench --site [site-name] install-app hrms

We have successfully setup ERPNext version 14 on ubuntu 22.04. You can start the server by running the below command:

bench start

If you didn’t have any other ERPNext instance running on the same server, ERPNext will get started on port 8000. If you visit [YOUR SERVER IP:8000], you should be able to see ERPNext version 14 running.

Please note that instances which are running on develop mode, like the one we just setup, will not get started when you restart your server. You will need to run the bench start command every time the server restarts.

In the below steps, we will learn how to deploy the production mpde.

My question is, is bench needs to br run before installation of hrms? Anything like that?


Perhaps, if you’re developing and need to install an app, you must use “bench start.” This is because installing the app triggers site migration when “bench start” is executed.

Thanks. But not developing anything. Just a normal install as in the doc.

214 bench --site myoffice.hilltop.in uninstall-app hrms
215 ll
216 rm -rf hrms/
217 bench get-app --branch version-15 hrms
218 history
219 bench --site myoffice.hilltop.in install-app hrms
220 history

It worked for me finally ! I really appreciate your help on this ! Noticed you are so good at it. Keep working. Also the other guy Mani.