Webpage sidebar group?

I assume the sidebar group option is to have some hierarchy in the sidebar menus. I cant figure how to make it work though.

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Hi, I have the same issue. The sidebar item has the field Group but it is not displayed/group on the webpage. However, I see that the Frappe documentation is done with the same sidebars with groups. I would be interested in the answer as well: how to group the sidebar items on the webpage? Thanks

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Did anyone get a solution on this - Im still struggling to get the Webpage sidebar group to function as intended.

Bug is still here. I have found cause and alter Frappe code on my bench installation.
Cause : Sidebar items group has rewritten when Context is build on Webpage Doctype.
Solution :
On frappe/website/doctype/web_page/webpage.py, line 74 :

		if self.show_sidebar:
			if self.website_sidebar:
				sidebar = frappe.get_doc('Website Sidebar', self.website_sidebar)
				context.sidebar_items = sidebar.get_items()
				context.sidebar_items = get_sidebar_items(self.website_sidebar)