Variable output in manufacturing

We are a chemical manufacturing unit. We are trying to implement ERP next into our company. I am particularly interested in the manufacturing section of the same. Now, when we create a production order using BOM, we get a variable output ranging from 100-130kg in every batch. Now, it becomes difficult for me to create production orders for a variable range. How should i manage this?



@Jyot_Vakharia I think you can manually update the actual qty when you convert your WIP items to finished goods. Your production order should be based on the average qty.

Hey the problem is if I set a batch size to 270 to get the materials and then actually product say 290 kg the remaining quantity (work in progress) becomes negative 20. This screws the production order over. I will post some screengrabs soon.

I think this is really required… variable output in manufacturing… Any one doing chemical manufacturing wouldnt be able to work with erpnext without this feature! I really feel its a must!

Input the batch size at the top end of the range and write off the shortage that doesn’t get produced. So you wanted to produce 290, but got 270. 20 is a loss.

I think you can just update the output quantity in the stock entry, in the production order, just mention 270. Or like @Deepak_Pai says, map the max quantity.

Yes but thats just a workaround… It would be really great if this could be incorporated…

