VALUE TOO LONG when i try submitting the Sales Invoices IN ERPNEXT 12 ON SALES INVOICE

I HAVE DONE ALL THE BENCH UPDATEs, Bench Migrate, Updated the Python Version and done all patches in vain. Any solution is welcome. thanks
{{ company }}

{{  __("POS No : ") }} {{ offline_pos_name }}

{{ __("Customer") }}: {{ customer }}

{{ __("Date") }}: {{ dateutil.global_date_format(posting_date) }}

	{% for item in items %}
	{% endfor %}

{{ __(“Item”) }} {{ __(“Qty”) }} {{ __(“Amount”) }}

			{{ item.item_name }}
			{{ format_number(item.qty, null,precision("difference")) }}

@ {{ format_currency(item.rate, currency) }} {{ format_currency(item.amount, currency) }}

	{% for row in taxes %}
	{% if not row.included_in_print_rate %}
	{% endif %}
	{% endfor %}
	{% if discount_amount %}
	{% endif %}

			{{ __("Net Total") }}
			{{ format_currency(total, currency) }}

			{{ row.description }}
			{{ format_currency(row.tax_amount, currency) }}

			{{ __("Discount") }}
			{{ format_currency(discount_amount, currency) }}

			{{ __("Grand Total") }}
			{{ format_currency(grand_total, currency) }}

			{{ __("Paid Amount") }}
			{{ format_currency(paid_amount, currency) }}

			{{ __("Qty Total") }}
			{{ qty_total }}

{{ terms }}

{{ __(“Thank you, please visit again.”) }}

Sorted, it was an error in the email notification section