Validate data in quick entry

I created a customer quick entry, but i can´t validate or filter field when change data.

@JORGE_REASCOS1 Could you elaborate with the steps to replicate the issue?


I am assuming that you want to avoid duplicate entries and make Tax Id unique. If this is the case, then you can do so:

Hi, thanks for your quick response.

I mean that I need to put validations in the quick entry fields and also filter, for example I need to filter the company that is a link field depending on the permissions that the user has.

The problem I have is that I don’t know how or where to put that type of validation for the quick entry

Is not easy to execute code in a quick entry, you can try this: How to run a custom script in quick entry - #8 by Nahuel_Nso
Or you can make your own custom quick entry looking at the code of customer_quick_entry.js