V12 how admin can hide desk cards for all users

Hi friends,
I am able to add custom cards on the desk. But cannot find a way to show and hide cards for all users.
It was easy in v11 but don’t know how to do it in v12.
Any help?

You can hide it at the User form as shown below, but it will be manual work for every user.

Would you mind to share how do you add custom cards on the desk?

Hi Raymond,
Thanks for reply, I know this option before but I though there might be an option to default module selection for certain roles.
About custom cards, you have to create two files in custom app:
one desktop.py and second is module_name.py

And this how you have code:


from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _

def get_data():
  	return [
   			"module_name": "Module Name",
      		"category": "Modules",
        		"label": _("Any title"),
        		"icon": "octicon octicon-settings",
        		"type": "module"


from __future__ import unicode_literals
from frappe import _    
def get_data():
        return [
    			"label": _("Card Name"),
    			"icon": "fa fa-group",
    			"items": [
    					"type": "doctype",
    					"name": "DOCTYPE NAME",
    					"type": "doctype",
    					"name": "DOCTYPE NAME",
    					"type": "doctype",
    					"name": "DOCTYPE NAME",
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