Upload image data import tool


I can’t add images from the data import tool to products using a url.

Now I don’t remember if this was ever working or always did.

In the IMAGE field I upload the link of the image.

If this is possible, is there something I’m doing wrong?


Hi @federico_calvo

Did you upload the images to the server?

Also, see if the error you’re getting is 404 in your JS console.

What I found is that you have to do it in three steps.

  1. save file to public folder
  2. use data import tool to add the images located in public folder to the File doctype.
  3. use data import tool to add the file location in Item doctype.

At least that is how I remember doing it. Doing it directly to number 3 never worked.

Good Luck.

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Hi, thanks for response.

The images are uploaded through links in the data import tool.

Erpnext downloads them, but I can’t associate them with the header field in the product file.

Its therefore the field is “Image”, which is not lowered by the import tool, we add it by hand.

Also not if it is the correct way, because attaching image files in all products (if you upload 6 images of 6 products, at 6 all the attached images will appear).

Hi, I am creating a new post whith this.

I don’t know how to ask for this post to be closed.