Updating ERPNEXT version 9 to 12, Ubuntu 16.04

So I was faced with a challenge, to update a v9 install from on-site to cloud hosted, can be cloud to cloud, onsite to onsite. Here are the steps I took to make it happen, please request any details by replying. Thanks

  1. Get SQL dump of old site database in .sql format
  2. install new erpnext instance
  3. Use putty and Winscp (if on windows) to connect and easily transfer files
  4. In new instance; create a new database (just my paranoia) - really helpful for finding where a missing data may be. (HOT!)
  5. Import data into new database: from mysql terminal: do source dbfile.sql
  6. once done, site will definitely have errors.
  7. do bench update --reset --no-backup (just to speed up)
  8. do bench migrate, inspect patches and fix database missing table, depending on your business, you can skip non critical patches (careful, don’t take my word for it)
    – You will benefit from having 2 putty windows and 1 Winscp windows, keep mysql open in one and the linux terminal in another
  9. create missing table columns, search or request help here.
  10. Get stuck with site Updating? Run bench update --patch

Works well

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