Update Stock Valuation rate directly from Database for warehouse

Need to know if there is an inbuilt function from which i can update the valuation rate of the item directly for a warehouse from backend without creating documents such as Stock reconsilation ,
Or which value is to be adjusted to achieve this (change the stock Bin values? , specific column in certain table?)

Reason for Requirement:
To maintain a single valuation rate throughout all the warehouse for a item in a company.
Currently Each item will have different valuation rate for each individual warehouses even though in the same company (depending upon the incoming rate in a particular warehouse and existing qty) .
There is no way to sync the valuation of the item across all warehouse no matter where it is purchased or transferred ,
Also There is no point of creating multiple stock reconciliations for each item for each transaction for multiple warehouses (too much document trail for a thing which should happen automatically)
There is already a open git issue for this requirement since 2017 it seems .

Any help would be appreciated .

Hello @Taher_Khalil did you found any solution for that? i have the same issue