Update Python to v3.0

I am running Erpnext v12 on vm box
should i update Python to v3.0
If yes then can somebody guide me on this

Hello, which Distribution did you use?



First of all export to .OVA + clone your mashine first, avoid to loosing data!
In the cloned environment try these steps:

migrate to python3 (assume your Frappe + ERPNext is already V12):

sudo apt-get install python3-dev
sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools python3-pip
alias python=python3
alias pip=pip3

sudo apt-get install python3-dev
bench migrate-env python3
bench restart
bench update - may it this be your first command it depends of your versions

Hope it helps

Hello krnkris,

how do you know that krishnanhemanth use a debian based distribution?
An which Release?


Thanks everybody for answers
Which distribution you use…
I really dont know
Iam Running Oracle virtual box on windows 10
Erpnext v12 as ova file is what I use
Thanks and regards
Krishnan hemanth

Hello, where did you get your “Erpnext v12 as ova file”?
Which Linux is in you ova file?

Hi Jannis
I downloaded the ova from erpnext website and updated it to v12
I really don’t know about linux that is running
If there is a method to check it, please let me know and I shall check and update


It just feeling.
Base .ova from erpnext is Ubuntu

Ubuntu 16.04 or Ubuntu 18.04?

I mean the old Ubuntu 16.04


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Because want to update then it should be Ubuntu 16.04 because the latest Ubuntu 18.04 is basically with python3.

python3 is included by default in Ubuntu 18.04 and the command to start the python3 interpreter from the terminal is python3.

Python 2 is no longer installed by default in fresh installations of Ubuntu 18.04 and later. Don’t remove python3 from Ubuntu 18.04 and later.

First have to upgrade python2.7 to python3 (as far as I know at least to python 3.6) then upgrade Ubuntu to 18.04

Ooops, python 2.7 is EOL

Python 3.0 is also deprecated and the oldest version of python that is supported is 3.5. Frappe is testing with 3.6.

Its Ubuntu 16.04


I would install Ubuntu 18.04 or Debian 10 Buster with the Easy-Install Script.

if i update to Ubuntu 18.04 , will python also be updated ?
if so , can somebody guide me the steps


As @jannis Mentioned:

Do a fresh install and then restore your database.
There’s no hassle of updating the python and ubuntu.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the suggestion
But my erpnext is running in Virtual Box
So how do i update Python to v3
Any set procedures
Or if i Update Ubuntu to v18, will Python update to v3.5
Please …any pointers on this

There is some arguments not to onstall a new instance?

The .ova from ERPNext dowload is for try out.

If you plan to use for production then please use a fresh new install in a mashine or in to a VM.