Unable to access ERPNext production server - Locally hosted on VM

I read somewhere I had to add blackwell.com line to /etc/hosts file, and I tried doing that as well, but it still gives the same error.

add something like this blackwell.com
to your /etc/hosts file…where the IP address matches the one your system is assigned
The 127.0.0.x range will only work on the local machine and if that is within a VM, there might be a firewall or IP address restriction that prevents access to keep it secure

Thank you trentmu. I will try adding the record to see if that helps. Much appreciated.

I wanted to ask though, if I startup my development server, I am able to access it without any issues from within VM and from host OS (i.e. Mac OS).

I am wondering how the system is allowing that through the IP, but blocking production server. Any thoughts?