Trying to move to ERPNext from Odoo

I newbie with erpnext I’m coming fron odoo with 3 year development experiences
why erpnext is not clear development environment like odoo
In odoo I just download source code and run and start my work in it
erpnext have more configurations I feel loss my time with it

Are there any way to run it from source code??


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Welcome to ERPNext :slight_smile:

Every system is designed separately, so you might have to unlearn and re-learn!

ERPNext has real time support via - builtin caching and queuing via Redis, and the client site app is built in with nodejs

Any specific places you are stuck?

Yes it is run form source, like any Python app.

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thank you for replying
But but for now I try 5 time install erpnext I cant
directly and VM’s , Always the errors hitting me

I download source code from github but I can’t run it

And the last step arrive in it is setup page after login
why it forced me to select one major and I dont want any one of them?
and mariadb not compared with postgresql in like this systems . why I cant select db engin what I want


Which point are you getting stuck? What is the error traceback? What installation guide have you followed?

Refer to the above point!

Did you choose any of the tried and tested methods in the Wiki?

Are you referring to the business domains in the setup wizard? A simple answer is that the domain you select will give you the icons on your Desk accordingly and you will see those modules in the sidebar navigation.

You can select multiple domains.

You can find the answer here:

Or you can participate in any of the multiple postgres threads.

PS: there may be good news with respect to using Postgres in Frappe originating from this thread.

If you be more specific about what problems you are facing, you will get better answers. Vague questions will invite further vague answers and the loop will continue :smiley: