Transport charges based on weight or volume and distance

Hi all,

We are a transport company using ERPNext V12 and not sure how to get around the issue of building a price matrix in ERPNext. We charge our clients based on volumetric weight and distance. So depending on a distance of deliveries say for example 500km and the weight of the items say 35kgs and volume of say 40cm X 30cm X 50cm (CBM=0.06m3), which gives a volumetric weight of 12 kg (40 X 30 X 50/5,000) we would then consider/use the weight of 35kgs and multiply that by a ton-kilometer rate to come up with a charge for this distance. I have the below rates for ton-kilometer rates which I am thinking of using. Is there a way we can implement this in ERPNext so that the addresses will help to calculate the distance and somehow use the volumetric weights (higher of either the actual weight or the volumetric weight to determine the charge.
We would then multiply with the rate that we have fixed per zone as shown below.
image Zone Rate per Ton Area
Zone A 3.33 Local-No Toll fees
Zone B 3.65 Inter Province-Toll fees
Zone C 4.1 Country A
Zone D 4.5 Country B
Zone F 4.95 Country C through country A
Zone F 5.2 Country C through country B

Is there a way that we can utilise ERPNext to calculate the charge by using the distances and weights/volume? Please help

Dear Danny, Did you check Shipping Rule under Sales?

Hi Emre. The shipping rule does not help with this as it’s to do with weight of the items.