Title Field Must be a Field Name

Hi ,

I am trying to create a new doc type as Make and Manufacturer for an Asset , However when i am saving the doc type it gives an error "Title Field must be a Field Name’ in both label and name i have used ‘Make’ and i am giving title field also as Make

can please someone explain the meaning of the error "Title Field must be a Field Name’ and the mistake i am doing ?

Okay you are confusing the Field Label with the fieldname. Assuming this field is labelled Make, the fieldname is something like make. The validation is asking you to enter make and not the field’s label ‘Make’ (the name you see next to the field in the form) in the Title.

Just go to Make and Manufacturer, click on Edit Doctype and you’ll know what I am saying

Hi ,

Thank you for clarification , I learnt the field name must be lowercase pnly.

Thank You

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You don’t have to worry about keeping it lowercase. System will do that automatically.