The business of ERP and Pricing it right

They are listening to you. :slight_smile: The 10 user is gone and now down to 5 user pack.
Hope that is better for your business.


Hi @Not_a_countant,

Thanks for sharing your site. Also if you are willing to share more:

  1. I would love to know how to limit the number of users. As in the plans.
  2. How you make that flow from registration → email → update password.
  3. I tried the Free Trial Plan and get directed the login as customer. Is this by intention? Why? (because the plan says user can create PO/SO, etc).
  4. How do you default the login to a certain role?
  5. How do you integrate price plan with the connectors (custom-app)?

Thank you a lot

Did you ever get a response to this?

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