Template for Guardians


first thanks for this great project! I’m looking for this since quite a long time.

If I want to import students, I can download a template csv to fill with data and import it later. Is there something for guardians, too? I couldn’t download/find a template for this.

I’m using the latest production version.


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Thanks @zefanja, @neilLasrado can you help?

any updates? @neilLasrado @rmehta

@zefanja I am adding the feature in the upcoming release.

Thank you so much! Looking forward to it.

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@zefanja thanks for reporting! Will update you once its done.

Any updates? I just look into the 7.1 release but couldn’t find a guardian template (v7.1.26). Hope to see this feature soon :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the great work in ERPNext! IMHO one of the best projects in 2016!

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Hi @zefanja!

Thanks for your super kind words :slight_smile:
I have added data import feature to Student Guardian. It will be available with the upcoming release.

Great! Thanks for this super fast positive response! :thumbsup: