Task status change to overdue

Hi, how to stop status to change to overdue when task is at pending review?

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Create custom doctype like Task.

But I will loose all code builded for task…like reports, events etc?

Then delete the overdue status from task and todo.

I do not think this solution will work. Check function here erpnext/task.py at 4417cb00063082959e125f1ad565915ec0e2b694 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub → set_tasks_as_overdue. I will add status in field.

Is it a good practice to override this file and modify this function to ignore pending review task? @shahid

Have you tried using custom scripts? https://erpnext.org/docs/user/manual/en/customize-erpnext/custom-scripts/custom-script-examples You can insert a validation that if “pending review” it will block the action of changing to overdue.

@johnskywalker Thanks I will check this!