Syntax error in formula or condition: invalid syntax (, line 1) when creating salary slip

I am trying to make salary slip based on salary components which had condition and formula but l have this error
Syntax error in formula or condition: invalid syntax (, line 1)
what is the right way to write a condition and formula may conditions are :
1-if current_address == “Qatana” Amount: 1000 else Amount:500
2-Base * 0.10
thanks in advance

Erpnext uses python syntax, which is a bit strange. The true value goes first, then the if. Like so…

1000 if current_address == “Qatana” else 500

Also keep in mind that if your referencing another salary component you need to use Abbr, so ‘B’ instead of Basic. Unless your referencing base set in the salary assignment, then it’s just “base”

so either
base * 0.10
B * 0.10

I write it as you said but i still have the same error

I bet the quotes characters didn’t copy correctly. try deleting them and adding them manually.