Supplier can unable to submit the request for quotation in website?

Hello Teams,

I create one supplier user on my machine having access only supplier role …

after i create one request for quotation submit it and in right hand side one button is send supplier email click on that the mail goes to the supplier … after i open the mail in that i am adding the message like this

Request for Quotation

Please supply the specified items at the best possible rates

The request for quotation can be accessed by clicking on the following link:

[Submit your Quotation]

Thank you,

when i click on submit your quotaion link one page open link this

after i click on login then below scrren is open

add the supplier detail an login it then below screen in open

when i click on request for qutotation then another screen is open

how to fix this can anyone help me for the same…


Have you deleted the RFQ from the system? Or have you made any changes to the RFQ? You can also check this link to try the process again.

Let me know if this helps.

no i am just create new rfq and submit it by admin user ad send suppplier email after submiting …then login of mail supplier having one link

Request for Quotation

Please supply the specified items at the best possible rates

The request for quotation can be accessed by clicking on the following link:

[Submit your Quotation]

Thank you,

click on submit your quotaion link another login page is open login with supplier and just click on request for quotation then getting error

same procedure i follow in a given link

Same procedure i follow given by the link but still facing same issue…

Same thing i am doing throgh the email when submit the rfq and click on send supplier email then mail going to the supplier using that mail one link is there in a mail submit quotation when user click on that link and login with his credentials and click on the left side there are 4 option user click on the top most link that is request for quotation after that getting the error

The resource you are looking for is not available

still i am facing same issue can anyone help me …