Supplier - add workflow & supplier agreement?

Hi all,

2 questions.

a) Before anybody can save a supplier, it needs to go thru a pre-qualification stage. Say, John creates this merchant Nike. John submits for approval. Susan will approve the application and Nike becomes our supplier. Is that doable with erpnext workflow?

b) Before Susan approves the supplier, John needs to print out a supplier agreement. It’s a pdf form which erpnext needs to pre-fill the pdf (e.g. first name, last name, company name, etc) and generate out. Then John prints out and get the supplier to sign. Once sign, John will upload this pdf back to the supplier’s page.

Any tips to get around with this?


Custom fields that can be checked for each step?

@rmehta even if some checkboxes are not checked the supplier name will still be available in purchse order screen right? then there should be some javascript code to filter only those supplier with all fields checked!!

a) Before anybody can save a supplier, it needs to go thru a pre-qualification stage. Say, John creates this merchant Nike. John submits for approval. Susan will approve the application and Nike becomes our supplier. Is that doable with erpnext workflow?

One other way i can think of is to use the ‘Disable’ button in supplier…

1.Change the Permission Level of ‘Disabled’ field to 1.
2.Make the default value of ‘Disabled’ as 1
3.John’s role has only read permission for perm level 1
… This way whenever a supplier is created by John, its ‘Disabled’ by default and thus no one create PO against that supplier

  1. Susan has write permission so she can uncheck the ‘Disabled’ field ( thus approve)

b) Before Susan approves the supplier, John needs to print out a supplier agreement. It’s a pdf form which erpnext needs to pre-fill the pdf (e.g. first name, last name, company name, etc) and generate out. Then John prints out and get the supplier to sign. Once sign, John will upload this pdf back to the supplier’s page.

5.Insert a link field to ‘Terms and Conitions’ and define a print format
4.Write some javascript code that is triggered when clicked on ‘Disabled’ field to check if at least one doc is attached…

I hope I have expressed my ideas clearly… and Yes this is Jugaad :smiley: