Stock Valuation Rates

Local Install. Accounting Entry for every Stock Transaction is checked. No Negative Stock. Two Companies on the Same Install. One Buys Raw Material and Fabricates - called Fabricator for simplicity. The other just does subcontracting - takes raw material from customer and fabricates - Called Sub-Contractor for simplicity. Name Item Master (obviously).

Stock valuation on the Fabricator should be at the Purchase Receipt price and Moving Average or FIFO as the case may be. Stock Valuation on the Sub-Contractor should be 0 (as recommended by their accountant). However Stock Valuation on the Sub-Contractor seems to be inheriting the numbers from the Fabricator.

Is this how it should be? Shouldn’t the stock valuation on the two companies be separate calculations? Is there anyway to ensure that the valuation is separate? Other than implementing two separate instances of ERPNext?



Not Name Item Master (Obviously). Meant to say Same Item Master (Obviously).

I think the method of Stock Valuation is inherited from the Item in ERPNext and the value comes from purchase receipt etc. and since the Items are shared that is probably the reason it is working the way you see it. Maybe you could write a custom JS based on Company Name to set the valuation to zero for the Sub Contractor company.

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