Stock entry detail issues

I am creating an app called Fish Management and inside there is a doctype called Feeding which has a Stock Entry Detail table. This keeps track of how much you feed your fish and that should deduct from the stock available but it is not working.
The Stock Ledger and Stock Balance do not show any new entries.

frappe.ui.form.on('Feeding', {
	pond: function(frm){
		s_entry = frm.doc.stock_entry
		frappe.model.set_value(s_entry[0]["doctype"], s_entry[0]["name"], "t_warehouse", frm.doc.pond)
	feed: function(frm){
		s_entry = frm.doc.stock_entry
		frappe.model.set_value(s_entry[0]["doctype"], s_entry[0]["name"], "item_code", frm.doc.feed){
			"method": "frappe.client.get",
				doctype: "Item",
				name: frm.doc.feed
			callback: function(data){
				//Set Values uom and stock_uom
				frappe.model.set_value(s_entry[0]["doctype"], s_entry[0]["name"], "uom", data.message['stock_uom'])
				frappe.model.set_value(s_entry[0]["doctype"], s_entry[0]["name"], "stock_uom", data.message['stock_uom'])
				//set conversion_factor
				frappe.model.set_value(s_entry[0]["doctype"], s_entry[0]["name"], "conversion_factor", data.message['uoms'][0]['conversion_factor'])

	quantity: function(frm){
		s_entry = frm.doc.stock_entry
		frappe.model.set_value(s_entry[0]["doctype"], s_entry[0]["name"], "transfer_qty", frm.doc.quantity)
		frappe.model.set_value(s_entry[0]["doctype"], s_entry[0]["name"], "qty", frm.doc.quantity)
		//expense account{
			"method": "frappe.client.get",
				doctype: "Company",
			callback: function(data){
				//Set expense account value
				e_account = "Stock Adjustment - "+data.message['abbr']
				frappe.model.set_value(s_entry[0]["doctype"], s_entry[0]["name"], "expense_account", e_account )


@paul-100 not sure of your exact requirements, but you should probably have a separate doctype for this that will make a Stock Entry in the background.

The bit i am interested is updating the stock ledger