Speed up accounting by booking with shortcuts?

The usual workflow when buying goods takes several steps: PO>PR>PI,PV and similar with sales. As discussed here, this does not reflect that small companies often do it the other way round.

Our controller would love to see a screen where all can be done at once, when stepping through the bank statements or paper slips. I am not talking about automatic import of bank statements (yet), just a way of entering much faster small transactions. Typically, small companies have many vouchers about buying local goods, such as coffee or toilet paper in the grocery for your office. They are also happy with a simplified account scheme. I tried with adding a “Common Provider” with a default tax rate, but it still takes too many steps to fill the ledger.

Any idea how to reduce the booking steps? FrontAccounting offers shortcuts for common booking cases.

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Do agree with …do it the other way around…Imported bank statements are linked to expenditures…
…I recently read an evaluation of accounting systems for L market where it was stated that programmes that do not allow the imort of bank statements are a no-go…

Quick data entry is possible in Erpnext…just make a sales invoice, donot use the item but just type “coffee, sugar, milk” , assign account, and a tax template…safe, make payment…finsished

All those steps are not necessary, you can update stock and payment in your Purchase Invoice too.

Ok, I tried to streamline the Purchase Invoice process today on ERPnext7.
In order to be faster with predefined VAT, I defined an item “SmallItems 20VAT”. My intention was to overwrite it with let’s say “Coffee”. But then I am asked to fill out: Item Code, Item Name, Item Group, Default Unit of Measure, Maintain Stock, Standard Selling Rate (we will drink the coffee in the office and not sell it ;-))
I certainly need to change the price and add a project or cost center, so the item must be opened and be closed again.
Finally, even if I click “is paid” I need to open the Payment dialog, select “Cash” and enter again the amount.
In total, it takes around 15 mouse-clicks to enter one purchased item.
Thus I would love to see a simplified form, which allows quickly to enter one purchased item after the other on the same page, with the following fields only:

  • Transaction Date
  • Booking Text (without the need to define an item with many parameters)
  • Reference (Invoice number etc)
  • Payment Method
  • Tax
  • Cost Center
    Could this be done with a special DocType? We might sponsor such a simplified purchase interface.

Here s an example of a simplified booking mask of a commercial ERP product, which is very widely used at SMEs. It requires not so many clicks and less scrolling than with ERPnext’s .

First row: Account, Amount (including all taxes), Payment account
Second row: Tax rules
Third row: Supplier
Fourth row: Buchungstext = Text for accounting (here you enter the item bought such as “tea bags”), Beleg aus WAWI = Stock number (if related to stock)
Fifth row: UID of supplier, Cost category, Company
Buttons: Split to different accounts, Share, OK, Cancel

How could the mask “Purchase Invoice” in ERPnext be made quicker?

  1. Do not require supplier.
  2. Copy “Paid Amount” automatically.
  3. Allow to enter free form booking text if item is not known and user does not want to create it (where s/he has to define a selling price, which does not make sense for many cases to be consumed).