[SOLVED] Rate and Price List Rate


I want to ask the difference between Rate and Price List Rate . I’ve seen this on Quotation Item.

I can not seem to understand.


Hi @aldoblack,

if I understand you correctly, you are looking at something like this:

The price list rate is the applicable rate for this item and this customer as stored in the price list (including discount rules). This is baed on an Item Price record. It is also the default for the rate. The rate is the actual rate that will apply, this can be changed by the user. Think of the rate as an instance of the price list rate (or the price list rate as the default value). Looking at the difference between price list rate and rate gives an insight into how much items are manually being re-priced :wink:

Hope this helps.

I have two. Rate and Price List Rate. It is not custom field.

Yes, this is normal.

Price List Rate = Item Price (see price list)

Rate = actual price in this quotation/sales order/sales invoice

Oh, I see. Thank you for the information.