Small problem converting language **EN** to **AR** and back English

A small problem after converting the language from EN to AR and then back to English
Some titles will be in Arabic as it was
I think it’s still kept in Kash memory
And if we use a anther browser after changing the language is no problem
The problem is if we use the same browser

bench clear-cache
bench clear-website-cache

bench --site all clear-cache to clear cache for all the sites.
bench --site site-name clear-cache to clear cache for a particular site.

You can run these from your frappe-bench folder.
and i recommend chrome as a browser for you .

Clear the cache of the system as suggested by @MiM

Just try a Ctrl + Shift + R on your system first.

If this process part of the program "ERPnext"would be better :innocent::v:

you can use this
bench --site sitename set-config disable_website_cache true

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