Showing the naming series for Webforms on Success Message

Hi, I have a webform in another platform (limesurvey) that every time someone saves the form, it shows the number with which it was saved internally, in limesurvey is as easy as writing {SAVEDID} in the place where we want that number to be shown.

Now, I am migrating everything to ERPnext, in it I am using a webform and I want that in the Success Message appears the naming_series that is being used to save that data.

I have tried with several codes in different languages and what I see is that in the field “Success Message” only accepts plain text, without any encoding.

I have checked another thread with someone who wanted to do the same thing a few years ago, but never knew if he managed to do it.

Do you think it could be possible?

this is an example of what I would like to get

Update on this:

I can change all web_forms configurations like a docktype, so, i find the Success Message and i can change it from text to code and maybe i can find a solution on this.

This did not work.

I have just seen that I can place a message through the client script, at the moment I have this code that shows me this test message

frappe.web_form.after_save = () => {
    frappe.msgprint('test message')

and it works perfect, now I want it to be placed there in naming_series that ERPnext assigned to that document, but I don’t know what code to put there

Well, as far as I see it is not possible, neither in the webpages or in the webforms you can show this kind of information unless the person who fills the webform is a user and not a guest.

Thank you all (0 people) for your help.