Show and hide conditions

I need to add Four Costume Fields

A) field name : Technology Type
Type : Select
Option :

B) field name : installation
Type : Text editor

C) field name : Problem
Type : Text editor

D) field name : Suggessions
Type : Text editor

i want to hide and appear the three text editor fields BasedOn the selector filed

so if

select install it will show only the install text editor

if install Tshoot it will show only the Two fields Problem and Suggestions.

is it possible?
thx alot dears for your support .


use depends on for all three fields

e.g. for installation field

eval:doc.technology_type == "installation"


Add condition in Depends on field in customize form

For Example
For installation fields-add code like this in Depends on field
eval:doc.technology_type == “Installation”
For Problem fields-add code like this in Depends on field
eval:doc.technology_type == “Problem”
For siggestion fields-add code like this in Depends on field
eval:doc.technology_type == “Suggestion”

update field name and value correctly


thx alot dears for your fast support

this works perfectly until you print the document.

the the fields that should be hidden appear


If you want to hide field in Print format,
check Print Hide or Print Hide If No Value in doctype.

“Print Hide If No Value” does not appear as an option for all field types.
In my case it’s the ‘Select’ field type. It does not appear under the options for the ‘Select’ field type.

How to put a depends on code if my check box is located in a different section break ?