Script Report without Developer Mode

I created a script report using an Administrator Login but without developer mode on and it didn’t created the respected files and folders under the respective module.

To overcome this issue, I manually created the files and folder under the respective module but it is still not running the report and giving me the error.

ImportError: No module named daily_timesheet_summary_group.daily_timesheet_summary_group

Is there anything else that I missed or it will not work until I am in developer mode?

If the developer mode is the case then how the report will run if I create it in a developer mode and then I pull it from github in my production environment?

Ruchin Sharma

@saurabh6790 can you please check?

Does anybody have any idea about this?

Ruchin Sharma

@ruchin78 script report must always be created from developer mode

@rmehta agreed with

But in that case my question is:
Script report cannot be used in production?
If yes, then how?
If it is like by creating a script report on the development server and then after pull it on the production server? Then I am doing the same manually instead of pulling through github?

May you please throw some light on it?

Ruchin Sharma

Yes, that is the expected workflow. You never do anything manually in production.

It means if I create the script report on development server and pull that report on the production via github, it will work for sure?

It will create all required folders and files for the report and also will create a report with the same name under script report?

Ruchin Sharma
