Script report editing

hi , i want help in report (Batch Item Expiry Status) please ,
here it’s code and i want to add coulmn batch quantity after Batch

Copyright (c) 2013, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors

For license information, please see license.txt

import frappe
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import cint, getdate

def execute(filters=None):
if not filters:
filters = {}

float_precision = cint(frappe.db.get_default("float_precision")) or 3

columns = get_columns(filters)
item_map = get_item_details(filters)
iwb_map = get_item_warehouse_batch_map(filters, float_precision)

data = []
for item in sorted(iwb_map):
	for wh in sorted(iwb_map[item]):
		for batch in sorted(iwb_map[item][wh]):
			qty_dict = iwb_map[item][wh][batch]

					# item_map[batch]["batch_qty"],
					# item_map[batch]["manufacturing_date"],
					frappe.db.get_value("Batch", batch, "expiry_date"),

return columns, data

def get_columns(filters):
“”“return columns based on filters”“”

columns = (
	[_("Item") + ":Link/Item:100"]
	+ [_("Item Name") + "::150"]
	+ [_("Description") + "::150"]
	+ [_("Warehouse") + ":Link/Warehouse:100"]
	+ [_("Batch") + ":Link/Batch:100"]
	+ [_("Expires On") + ":Date:90"]
	+ [_("Batch Quantity") + "::150"]
	+ [_("Production Date") + "::150"]
	+ [_("Expiry (In Days)") + ":Int:120"]

return columns

def get_conditions(filters):
conditions = “”
if not filters.get(“from_date”):
frappe.throw(_(“‘From Date’ is required”))

if filters.get("to_date"):
	conditions += " and posting_date <= '%s'" % filters["to_date"]
	frappe.throw(_("'To Date' is required"))

return conditions

def get_stock_ledger_entries(filters):
conditions = get_conditions(filters)
return frappe.db.sql(
“”“select item_code, batch_no, warehouse, actual_qty,
posting_date, actual_qty
from tabStock Ledger Entry
where is_cancelled = 0
and docstatus < 2 and ifnull(batch_no, ‘’) != ‘’ %s order by item_code, warehouse”“”
% conditions,

def get_item_warehouse_batch_map(filters, float_precision):
sle = get_stock_ledger_entries(filters)
iwb_map = {}

from_date = getdate(filters["from_date"])
to_date = getdate(filters["to_date"])

for d in sle:
	iwb_map.setdefault(d.item_code, {}).setdefault(d.warehouse, {}).setdefault(
		d.batch_no, frappe._dict({"expires_on": None, "expiry_status": None})

	qty_dict = iwb_map[d.item_code][d.warehouse][d.batch_no]

	expiry_date_unicode = frappe.db.get_value("Batch", d.batch_no, "expiry_date")
	qty_dict.expires_on = expiry_date_unicode

	exp_date =
	qty_dict.expires_on = exp_date

	expires_in_days = (exp_date -

	if expires_in_days > 0:
		qty_dict.expiry_status = expires_in_days
		qty_dict.expiry_status = 0

return iwb_map

def get_item_details(filters):
item_map = {}
for d in frappe.db.sql(“select distinct name, item_name, description from tabItem”, as_dict=1):
item_map.setdefault(, d)

return item_map

Thanks in advance

No one can help ?

@BOB Can you please tell me where did you get this code from? I need to see it because the code in your post is not clearly formatted.

here is the code sir on pastpin
Thanks for helping

@BOB I believe that this is what you want.

# Copyright (c) 2013, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors 
# For license information, please see license.txt 
import frappe 
from frappe import _ 
from frappe.utils import cint, getdate 
def execute(filters=None): 
 if not filters: 
  filters = {} 
 float_precision = cint(frappe.db.get_default("float_precision")) or 3 
 columns = get_columns(filters) 
 item_map = get_item_details(filters) 
 iwb_map = get_item_warehouse_batch_map(filters, float_precision) 
 data = [] 
 for item in sorted(iwb_map): 
  for wh in sorted(iwb_map[item]): 
   for batch in sorted(iwb_map[item][wh]): 
    qty_dict = iwb_map[item][wh][batch] 
      # Batch quantity value
      frappe.db.get_value("Batch", batch, "batch_qty"), 
      frappe.db.get_value("Batch", batch, "expiry_date"), 
 return columns, data 
def get_columns(filters): 
 """return columns based on filters""" 
 columns = ( 
  [_("Item") + ":Link/Item:100"] 
  + [_("Item Name") + "::150"] 
  + [_("Description") + "::150"] 
  + [_("Warehouse") + ":Link/Warehouse:100"] 
  + [_("Batch") + ":Link/Batch:100"] 
  # Batch quantity column
  + [_("Batch Quantity") + ":Float:120"] 
  + [_("Expires On") + ":Date:90"] 
  + [_("Expiry (In Days)") + ":Int:120"] 
 return columns 
def get_conditions(filters): 
 conditions = "" 
 if not filters.get("from_date"): 
  frappe.throw(_("'From Date' is required")) 
 if filters.get("to_date"): 
  conditions += " and posting_date <= '%s'" % filters["to_date"] 
  frappe.throw(_("'To Date' is required")) 
 return conditions 
def get_stock_ledger_entries(filters): 
 conditions = get_conditions(filters) 
 return frappe.db.sql( 
  """select item_code, batch_no, warehouse, 
  posting_date, actual_qty 
  from tabStock Ledger Entry 
  where is_cancelled = 0 
  and docstatus < 2 and ifnull(batch_no, '') != '' %s order by item_code, warehouse""" 
  % conditions, 
def get_item_warehouse_batch_map(filters, float_precision): 
 sle = get_stock_ledger_entries(filters) 
 iwb_map = {} 
 from_date = getdate(filters["from_date"]) 
 to_date = getdate(filters["to_date"]) 
 for d in sle: 
  iwb_map.setdefault(d.item_code, {}).setdefault(d.warehouse, {}).setdefault( 
   d.batch_no, frappe._dict({"expires_on": None, "expiry_status": None}) 
  qty_dict = iwb_map[d.item_code][d.warehouse][d.batch_no] 
  expiry_date_unicode = frappe.db.get_value("Batch", d.batch_no, "expiry_date") 
  qty_dict.expires_on = expiry_date_unicode 
  exp_date = 
  qty_dict.expires_on = exp_date 
  expires_in_days = (exp_date - 
  if expires_in_days > 0: 
   qty_dict.expiry_status = expires_in_days 
   qty_dict.expiry_status = 0 
 return iwb_map 
def get_item_details(filters): 
 item_map = {} 
 for d in frappe.db.sql("select name, item_name, description from tabItem", as_dict=1): 
  item_map.setdefault(, d) 
 return item_map

If you would like to change anything regarding the column Batch Quantity like title or width, you can change the the content of the following row.

+ [_("Batch Quantity") + ":Float:120"]
+ [_("Column Title") + ":Float:ColumnWidth"]

sorry but it’s not working sir

@BOB Was the code working from before? I just want to determine if my changes was wrong or the code wasn’t working from the start.

yes sir it’s from erpnext so it was working perfect

@BOB Sorry buddy, I can’t see why it’s not working but I have made some changes to the code, instead of two database queries I made one query for both values. Now I believe that this one will work.

# Copyright (c) 2013, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and contributors 
# For license information, please see license.txt 
import frappe 
from frappe import _ 
from frappe.utils import cint, getdate 
def execute(filters=None): 
 if not filters: 
  filters = {} 
 float_precision = cint(frappe.db.get_default("float_precision")) or 3 
 columns = get_columns(filters) 
 item_map = get_item_details(filters) 
 iwb_map = get_item_warehouse_batch_map(filters, float_precision) 
 data = [] 
 for item in sorted(iwb_map): 
  for wh in sorted(iwb_map[item]): 
   for batch in sorted(iwb_map[item][wh]): 
    qty_dict = iwb_map[item][wh][batch] 
    expiry_date, batch_qty = frappe.db.get_value("Batch", batch, ["expiry_date", "batch_qty"])
      # Batch quantity value
 return columns, data 
def get_columns(filters): 
 """return columns based on filters""" 
 columns = ( 
  [_("Item") + ":Link/Item:100"] 
  + [_("Item Name") + "::150"] 
  + [_("Description") + "::150"] 
  + [_("Warehouse") + ":Link/Warehouse:100"] 
  + [_("Batch") + ":Link/Batch:100"] 
  # Batch quantity column
  + [_("Batch Quantity") + ":Float:120"] 
  + [_("Expires On") + ":Date:90"] 
  + [_("Expiry (In Days)") + ":Int:120"] 
 return columns 
def get_conditions(filters): 
 conditions = "" 
 if not filters.get("from_date"): 
  frappe.throw(_("'From Date' is required")) 
 if filters.get("to_date"): 
  conditions += " and posting_date <= '%s'" % filters["to_date"] 
  frappe.throw(_("'To Date' is required")) 
 return conditions 
def get_stock_ledger_entries(filters): 
 conditions = get_conditions(filters) 
 return frappe.db.sql( 
  """select item_code, batch_no, warehouse, 
  posting_date, actual_qty 
  from tabStock Ledger Entry 
  where is_cancelled = 0 
  and docstatus < 2 and ifnull(batch_no, '') != '' %s order by item_code, warehouse""" 
  % conditions, 
def get_item_warehouse_batch_map(filters, float_precision): 
 sle = get_stock_ledger_entries(filters) 
 iwb_map = {} 
 from_date = getdate(filters["from_date"]) 
 to_date = getdate(filters["to_date"]) 
 for d in sle: 
  iwb_map.setdefault(d.item_code, {}).setdefault(d.warehouse, {}).setdefault( 
   d.batch_no, frappe._dict({"expires_on": None, "expiry_status": None}) 
  qty_dict = iwb_map[d.item_code][d.warehouse][d.batch_no] 
  expiry_date_unicode = frappe.db.get_value("Batch", d.batch_no, "expiry_date") 
  qty_dict.expires_on = expiry_date_unicode 
  exp_date = 
  qty_dict.expires_on = exp_date 
  expires_in_days = (exp_date - 
  if expires_in_days > 0: 
   qty_dict.expiry_status = expires_in_days 
   qty_dict.expiry_status = 0 
 return iwb_map 
def get_item_details(filters): 
 item_map = {} 
 for d in frappe.db.sql("select name, item_name, description from tabItem", as_dict=1): 
  item_map.setdefault(, d) 
 return item_map

If you would like to change anything regarding the column Batch Quantity like title or width, you can change the the content of the following row.

+ [_("Batch Quantity") + ":Float:120"]
+ [_("Column Title") + ":Float:ColumnWidth"]


  1. stock/doctype/batch/batch.json
  2. frappe.db.get_value