Sales taxes and charges auto fetch

The Sales taxes and charges are not being auto fetched from the sales order to the sales invoice. This feature is not working only since the last update.
Is some additional feature added that must be enabled or anything?

It works for us, please share your configurations for someone to go through and try to resolve your problem.

Hello. Here are the screenshots. The Sales taxes template is present in the sales order but is not fetched in the invoice. However it is auto fetched in the delivery note. I’m guessing only my instance is affected. I’m using frappe cloud and this is happening since the last update.

Please help out. This has really slowed down work for some days now.

Can anyone suggest any other solutions? Am I the only one facing this issue?

Did you resolve the issue… Recently even we are facing the same issue… It gets fetched in delivery note but in sales invoice it’s not fetched…
We also started facing the issue after I updated the server from 13.16 to latest version

Hi people, facing the same issue any solution for this?

Sorry for the delayed response, but I wanted to help out with your question about the Sales taxes and charges not auto-fetching on the sales invoice. From my experience, there could be a few reasons why this feature isn’t working. It could be a setting that needs to be enabled, a system bug, or an update issue. I recommend checking with your software provider or doing some troubleshooting to figure out the root cause. Also, if you’re thinking about sales and taxes in general, it’s a good idea to look into financial planning for your business. The Infinity Group offers financial planning services specifically for businesses, and they have some great resources on their website at

Same issues here with erpnext14