Sales Tax vs Purchase Tax


When setting up taxes I see 2 kind of taxes: Sales and Purchase Taxes.
When setting up same tax, e.g VAT which is the same for Sales and Purchase, user have to set 2 tax table.
I suggest it’s better to have 1 form for tax setup (name, rate, etc) with 2 tick boxes.
So when user want to set it as Sales Tax, he/she ticks the Sales box. And the Purchase box for Purchase Tax. This way, if the user wants to set it as both Sales and Purchase Tax, just tick both boxes.

I hope this can be considered for the next updates.

There are purchase and Sales Tax template functionality already available for that. Maybe check that out? It works quite well for VAT, GST etc both input and output taxes.

Yes I know that there are 2 templates each for Sales and Purchase.
What I suggest is instead of having 2 template, why not using 1 with 2 checkboxes: 1 for Sales, 1 for Purchase.
So if we need the same template for both Sales and Purchase, just make fill in 1 form then check both boxes. More practical and less prone to mistake.

Not good option.
Lots of differences are there which make them different.

  • Different Tax Accounts for purchase and sale
  • Consideration for valuation of item is applicable only on purchase.

Basically it’s just one time setup, so i feel its okay to have different template.

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