Sales report by supplier

Hello everyone! Terribly sorry if I’m writing at a wrong place, because i’m new to this kind of stuff.

I’m running a free instance of ERPNext for my small store. I need to have a sales report on all sales i’ve made through POS system (billing invoices in ERPNext) filtered by supplier, so I can see how much items of each supplier I’ve sold and how much cash I’ve received by each supplier.

Is it possible in ERPnext to have such a report?
There’s ‘Item-wise Sales Register’, but it doesn’t have a supplier column and I have no idea how to edit it :frowning:

Thanks a lot!


In the Sales Invoice, Item’s Supplier Name is not fetched. Following is how you can customize it.

  1. Update Supplier in the Item master. You can use Default Supplier field for this purpose.
  1. Update Supplier in the Item master. You can use Default Supplier field for this purpose.

  2. Insert Supplier’s link field in the “Sales Invoice Item” table.

  3. Write an add_fetch script, so that when Item is selected in the Sales Invoice, with the other item details, Item’s Supplier will be fetched as well. Check following link for help in writing add_fetch script.

  4. Make custom report on Sales Invoice. In this report, select Item and Supplier column from the Sales Invoice Item table.

Hope this helps.

umair, thanks for a reply. I’m having problem with this one - should I just add a new field to ‘Sales Invoice’ form? How do I do that?

UPD: Got this one, but I have a new question: sometimes I have a few supplier’s items in a same sales invoice. IE, I can sell Coke and chewing gum in a same sales invoice, yet two items have two different suppliers. Will it still work?

Custom Field should be inserted in “Sales Invoice Item” table.

