Sales order shipping cost vs price


I send an order by international mail of an item with sales price 100€
The post office cost of sending it is 16.60€ but I charge 20€.

So I ask for 20€ and I spend 16.60€.

I created a shipping rule with value 20€ and associated it to account “Freight and Forwarding charges”. The sales order total is now 120€.


  1. I can’t seem to find a way to reflect the cost of 16.60€. How should this be done?

  2. I’m not sure if “Freight and Forwarding charges” is correct because the account associated with the shipping rule should be an income account since 20€ is money I’m receiving.

Please advise.



  1. I can’t seem to find a way to reflect the cost of 16.60€. How should this be done?

Create Purchase Invoice to book shipping expense.

I’m not sure if “Freight and Forwarding charges” is correct
because the account associated with the shipping rule should be an
income account since 20€ is money I’m receiving.

Yes. You can create new Income Account for the Shipping Charged to the Customer.

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Hello @umair, understood. Thank you!

And is there a simple way to associate the purchase invoice for the post office with the sales order?

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