Salary of Employee/Sales Partner based on Monthly Sales


Firstly, thanks for a wonderful project!

I am actually looking forward to implementing the salary of an Employee/Sales Partner on the basis of the Sales that makes per month as per slabs.

For example:

If Sales for the month for an employee/sales partner:

  • is less than 1,00,000 => Salary = Rs. 10,000
  • is greater than 1,00,000 but less than 5,00,000 => Salary = Rs. 20,000 + 30% of Salary
  • is greater than 5,00,000 but less than 10,00,000 => Salary = Rs. 30,000 + 40% of Salary
  • is greater than 10,00,000 but less than 20,00,000 => Salary = Rs. 50,000 + 45% of Salary

Is this possible in ERPNext or any way that I can find a workaround for this? I really need this feature. Any help would be much appreciated.
