Role Permissions Manager


I have noticed that in the Role Permissions Manager there is no “save” button. The save feature seems to be a standard application on almost every doctype throughout ERPNext, but is omitted from Role Permissions Manager. Is there a specific reason for this?

This makes tracking modifications particularly difficult. A user could make multiple changes and then navigate away from the page without ever saving.

Is adding a “save” or “update” button a feasible option? Please advise your thoughts.

Thanks for your continued assistance.



@sellisjr all changes in the Role Permission manager are automatically saved in click.


Sorry if i am not very clear. I am aware that the role permissions manager is set to auto-save upon click. Clicking a save or update button gives the user “peace of mind” knowing that they have saved their changes. Save and update buttons are used comprehensively throughout the system, so I was wondering why it is absent from role permissions manager?

Also, in the past I have personally made edits to the role permissions manager and all edits were not reflected. This does not seem to happen with forms having a save button.

I just wanted to make a recommendation to add a save/update button to make the system more uniform and create peace of mind for the user.

Thanks for hearing my suggestion.



@rmehta Please advise when you get a chance.



i support @sellisjr
perhaps a notification that says “changes saved” or a save icon that like in google drive will do? @rmehta

Yeah can be done. But is it really a priority?