Restore Deleted Documents

I’m trying to restore a deleted document but i simply can’t manage to get it done.
When i click restore on the deleted document, it says that the quotation QTN-00XXX is duplicated, even tho there is no quotation with that number yet, I say yet, because the number it shows is the number of the following sequence of quotation.

What do i do? I really need restore that file but i’m having this issue.

oh i get: Cannot use sub-query or function in fields when i enter Deleted Documents list.
Does anyone know a work around?

ERPNext: v10.1.17 (master)

Frappe Framework: v10.1.15 (master)


I also have similar need. The user incorrectly deleted a document and the serial number is conflicting now. Can anyone please guide on - how to do it? is it possible?

Not been able to replicate it. Are there any steps you took or any flow of action that landed you to this issue ? Ideally the document is restored with the latest naming-series number and not the same as it was before it was deleted. So, the error would only come if the naming-series sequence has been altered I guess.

I’m just saying, how do i restore deleted doctype?


I’m having a similar case too. I have changed naming series to take name from a different field in doc. This field stores id of an external system. So whenever the doc is to be restored, it must bear the original name instead of a different one. Is this possible?


Im having the same issue. I have not done anything with the doc(PO). But when I click the restore button. It prompts that it has a duplicate name to the document-(last-id+1). Where-in it should be the id of the doc when restored.