REST API : How to access data in Item child table


I tried to access supplier_part_no in Item document for specific supplier with this GET method
Frappe Cloud[[“Item”, “supplier”, “=”, “TEST”]]&fields=[“supplier_part_no”]
However I get error “Unknown column ‘tabItem.supplier_part_no’ in ‘field list’\")\n"]”

Anyone can help me on this ?


Good day sir. Are you able to solve this problem? I’m having the same issue. Thank you in advance

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To access Sales Invoice data:

http://localhost:9010/api/resource/Sales Invoice/?filters=[["Sales Invoice", "name", "=", "SINV-1911-00052"]]&fields=["name", "grand_total"]

To access Sales Invoice Item data

http://localhost:9010/api/resource/Sales Invoice Item/?filters=[["Sales Invoice Item", "parent", "=", "SINV-1911-00052"]]&fields=["qty", "rate"]

This may helps you.


It works with parent doctypes. But in child tables like this:

http://localhost:9010/api/resource/Item Supplier/?filters=[[“Item Supplier”, “parent”, “=”, “CBC”]]&fields=[“parent”]’

it returns an error
→ ‘resulted in a `403 FORBIDDEN’

Well it worked please check your syntax

i tried to fetch sales invoice item name

@khushal_t, thank you for your kind help. I was able to solve the problem. I created a whitelisted method in childtable (Item SUpplier) .py file. I was able to call it with:


Yeah but that seems it is RPC you have implemented not the REST

Hi I am facing same issue. Is anyone know how to resolve ‘403 FORBIDDEN’? Thanks in advance

My colleague found the solution. It will fetch all data and child table.

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