Report Card Generation for each student

How can I generate a report card for each student where all the exams done based on assessment criteria are shown against subjects(courses)?

Each criteria representing each portion of the term assessment (e.g. Beginning 20%, Mid Term 30%, End of Term 50%) for each course/Subject. However, rendering the assessment result in a single report card is a challenge as the current report card format is not fit for purpose for schools and it is not customizable.

How can we customise the current report card with all the courses in the same table ?

Do we need to write code?

Hello @ssemotom,

For this need to be achieved, you’ll be needing to customize the report card according to your requirements and you need to write code.

Hello @Shah_Kalpit

I thought this was considered in ERPNext v 12 but all the same, who can write code to produce acceptable report card for each student?