Report Broken/Outdated Resource Links Here & How to Flag

@gvyshnya you are now a moderator, so feel free to fix links! (sorry should have done that earlier)

Me neither, I usually Google for the right answer,

@rmehta: thank you for the credit. I will be happy to watch the ghost links in the forum posts. At the same time, editing ghost links would not be enough as we won’t be able to catch everyting in a finite time. This will also not protect from 404 experience on navigating the ghost links cached by Google, Bing etc. True redirect rules will be really helpful for both and domains ( I am aware it will be hard to control redirects for the frappe and erpnext auxiliary sites in

I will therefore become a volunteer to maintain nginx redirect rules for your sites :slight_smile: I can do it in one of the following ways

  1. Maintain separate forum topics for such rules (in Community area) - the original post of such threads will be constantly updated for your admins to grab the updated rules to your nginx instances
  2. Add the respective code fragments to both erpnext and frappe repos on github - in this case, I will be submitting updates via PRs there

Please let me know what your thoughts on that are.

P.S. In terms of the format of the redirect rules, I will maintain it via map as follows

map $uri $redirect_uri {
# … multiple entries will go below

location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ @redirect-map;

location @redirect-map {
if ($redirect_uri) { # redirect if the variable is defined
return 301 $redirect_uri;