Redis cache server not running. Please contact Administrator / Tech support

Yes it work,
But when I exit from the terminal. It stop working.

I try these command and the message is gone.

cp /etc/redis/redis.conf /etc/redis/redis.conf-bak
cp /home/erpnext/frappe-bench/config/redis.conf /etc/redis/redis.conf

Edit /etc/redis/redis.conf. Change daemonize from no → yes

service redis-server restart

Thank you pdvyas!

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You need two redis-servers. One on standard port, one on 11311 for caching. The one from 11311 should be handled from supervisor.

Please revert your /etc/redis/redis.conf

and check if supervisor has an entry for redis-cache

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Yes, I revert the config file already,
Do I need to set redis for supervisor service run as deamon mode?

It should have been automated.
What is the output of

sudo supervisorctl reload
sudo supervisorctl status
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Hi, it is

~/frappe-bench$ sudo supervisorctl status
frappe:frappe-web                RUNNING    pid 19353, uptime 0:00:03
frappe:frappe-worker             RUNNING    pid 19352, uptime 0:00:03
frappe:frappe-workerbeat         RUNNING    pid 19354, uptime 0:00:03

I think it’s running now

I think that the config is copied not linked. Can you check? There has to be a fourth line for redis-cache

Hi, here’s my /home/erpnext/frappe-bench/config/redis.conf

activerehashing yes
appendfsync everysec
appendonly no
auto-aof-rewrite-min-size 64mb
auto-aof-rewrite-percentage 100
daemonize no
databases 16
dbfilename dump.rdb
list-max-ziplist-entries 512
list-max-ziplist-value 64
no-appendfsync-on-rewrite no
pidfile /var/run/
port 11311
rdbcompression yes
set-max-intset-entries 512
slave-serve-stale-data yes
slowlog-log-slower-than 10000
slowlog-max-len 128
timeout 0
zset-max-ziplist-entries 128
zset-max-ziplist-value 64

maxmemory 50mb
maxmemory-policy allkeys-lru

hash-max-zipmap-entries 512
hash-max-zipmap-value 64
loglevel verbose
vm-enabled no
vm-max-memory 0
vm-max-threads 4
vm-page-size 32
vm-pages 134217728
vm-swap-file /tmp/redis.swap

I have the same redis.conf file and when i run “redis-server config/redis.conf” i get the following error:

nuco@ubu:~/frappe-bench$ redis-server config/redis.conf

Reading the configuration file, at line 4
‘auto-aof-rewrite-min-size 64mb’
Bad directive or wrong number of arguments

The supervisorctl status output is the following:

nuco@ubu:~/frappe-bench$ sudo supervisorctl status
frappe:frappe-web RUNNING pid 2024, uptime 0:20:49
frappe:frappe-worker RUNNING pid 2019, uptime 0:20:49
frappe:frappe-workerbeat RUNNING pid 2035, uptime 0:20:49
redis-cache FATAL Exited too quickly (process log may have details)

Please start a new thread for a new problem.

Please start a new thread for a new problem.