Purchase Receipt and tax issues

  1. Whenever I create a purchase receipt, tax is added automatically. Is there anyway to change to no tax added by default?
  2. Also for the purchase receipt that are submitted and delivery note is created, how to remove the added tax? I look at the account ledger, the tax is counted as part of the cost and we don’t pay tax on most of the purchase. I have a few pr that I have submitted with automatically added tax.



  1. check “Purchase taxes and charges Template” master is selected as “Default”.
    thats why it taking in Purchase receipt by default.Uncheck “Default” option and save it.
  2. you can Cancel,Amend that Delivery Note and Purchase Receipt
    Remove TAX template form that and then Save ,Submit
  1. Thanks for the instruction. I unchecked the default. It worked.
  2. Because some delivery notes have been invoiced and payment entered. I had to cancel the invoice, then the delivery note; amend purchase receipt, create a new delivery note and a new invoice then apply payment. Wish there is a way to save the old dn and invoice on the amended purchase receipt.

Thanks again for the notes.