Public py function without DocType

I have to call a public py function, but i don’t have doctype in my app.
What file I put this function?

I think this is up to you, you can create a folder inside your app with a name of your choice like “core” or “utils” (with a file inside) or simply add a file in your app.

I tried, but not worked calling by javascript method

method: "myapp.__init__.function_name",

You put the function inside file? I need to see the file structure in order to help you.

You can have:

                 |------(another default folders)
                 | (with your public function inside)

Them in yout .js you should call:
method: "yourapp.yourapp.your_file.function_name",



files are required to make Python treat the directories as containing packages.
so if you want to call python function through ajax call

> method:your_app.your_custom_folder._your_pyfile.whitelisted_method

Tried the same thing, but not worked
Can you try this in your machine please?

frappe.ui.form.on("Purchase Invoice", "refresh", function(frm){{
       method: "folder.folder.file.function_name",
       args: {
       callback: function(r) { console.log("worked!") }

@Leonardo_Augusto considering above folder structure

frappe.ui.form.on("Purchase Invoice", "refresh", function(frm){{
     method: "yourapp.your_file.function",
     args: {
    callback: function(r) { console.log("worked!") }

Can I create a custom folder with a py file inside with a public function?


@Leonardo_Augusto Yes you can create custom folder and put your .py file also.just add file in that folder and your

In my app that’s worked, but in my friend’s app the file is not compiling…

@Leonardo_Augusto can u provide more detail how can i guess by this

In my app that’s worked, but in my friend’s app the file is not compiling…

Solved! I created another app…