Proper way to show doctype info on public

Hi all,
Frappe has website settings, web form, web page, portal etc and I am little bit confused. I need to show my doctype info on website. I have tried web form but it seems it is useful for creating doctype records. It also requires login.

How can I show doctype info on the web? Which settings, permissions, files should I tweak? Any assistance would be appreciated.



You can uncheck the Login Required property in the Web Form

Hi @makarand_b. Thank you for your suggestion. Now I can enter new record for my doctype by using{doctype} link. But we just need to show doctype info (All fields of the doctype), we don’t need new records for the time being. I’ve tried{doctype}/{name} link but it gives “The page you are looking for is missing. This could be because it is moved or there is a typo in the link.” warning.

Do you have any suggestion for that?

@TurkerTunali hello, did you figure out how to best show a particular doctype on a web page as a table?

I didn’t go for it that time. Tutorial has some good info about this. Web View Pages