Problem after enter ''bench start''; The requested URL could not be retrieved in my browser

bench start
WARN: bench is installed in editable mode!

This is not the recommended mode of installation for production. Instead, install the package from PyPI with: pip install frappe-bench

20:58:25 system | redis_cache.1 started (pid=20172)
20:58:25 redis_cache.1 | 20175:C 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.428 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
20:58:25 redis_cache.1 | 20175:C 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.428 # Redis version=6.0.16, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=20175, just started
20:58:25 redis_cache.1 | 20175:C 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.428 # Configuration loaded
20:58:25 redis_cache.1 | 20175:M 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.429 * Increased maximum number of open files to 10032 (it was originally set to 1024).
20:58:25 redis_cache.1 | 20175:M 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.430 * Running mode=standalone, port=13001.
20:58:25 redis_cache.1 | 20175:M 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.430 # Server initialized
20:58:25 redis_cache.1 | 20175:M 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.430 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add ‘vm.overcommit_memory = 1’ to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command ‘sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1’ for this to take effect.
20:58:25 redis_cache.1 | 20175:M 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.430 * Ready to accept connections
20:58:25 system | worker_long.1 started (pid=20192)
20:58:25 system | web.1 started (pid=20181)
20:58:25 system | schedule.1 started (pid=20185)
20:58:25 system | worker_short.1 started (pid=20205)
20:58:25 system | socketio.1 started (pid=20206)
20:58:25 system | redis_socketio.1 started (pid=20176)
20:58:25 redis_socketio.1 | 20179:C 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.430 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
20:58:25 redis_socketio.1 | 20179:C 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.430 # Redis version=6.0.16, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=20179, just started
20:58:25 redis_socketio.1 | 20179:C 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.430 # Configuration loaded
20:58:25 redis_socketio.1 | 20179:M 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.430 * Increased maximum number of open files to 10032 (it was originally set to 1024).
20:58:25 redis_socketio.1 | 20179:M 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.431 * Running mode=standalone, port=12001.
20:58:25 redis_socketio.1 | 20179:M 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.431 # Server initialized
20:58:25 redis_socketio.1 | 20179:M 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.432 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add ‘vm.overcommit_memory = 1’ to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command ‘sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1’ for this to take effect.
20:58:25 redis_socketio.1 | 20179:M 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.432 * Ready to accept connections
20:58:25 system | watch.1 started (pid=20203)
20:58:25 system | redis_queue.1 started (pid=20217)
20:58:25 system | worker_default.1 started (pid=20218)
20:58:25 redis_queue.1 | 20222:C 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.485 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
20:58:25 redis_queue.1 | 20222:C 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.485 # Redis version=6.0.16, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=20222, just started
20:58:25 redis_queue.1 | 20222:C 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.485 # Configuration loaded
20:58:25 redis_queue.1 | 20222:M 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.486 * Increased maximum number of open files to 10032 (it was originally set to 1024).
20:58:25 redis_queue.1 | 20222:M 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.487 * Running mode=standalone, port=11001.
20:58:25 redis_queue.1 | 20222:M 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.487 # Server initialized
20:58:25 redis_queue.1 | 20222:M 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.487 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add ‘vm.overcommit_memory = 1’ to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command ‘sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1’ for this to take effect.
20:58:25 redis_queue.1 | 20222:M 19 Jul 2022 20:58:25.488 * Ready to accept connections
20:58:25 web.1 | WARN: bench is installed in editable mode!
20:58:25 web.1 |
20:58:25 web.1 | This is not the recommended mode of installation for production. Instead, install the package from PyPI with: pip install frappe-bench
20:58:25 web.1 |
20:58:25 schedule.1 | WARN: bench is installed in editable mode!
20:58:25 schedule.1 |
20:58:25 schedule.1 | This is not the recommended mode of installation for production. Instead, install the package from PyPI with: pip install frappe-bench
20:58:25 schedule.1 |
20:58:26 watch.1 | WARN: bench is installed in editable mode!
20:58:26 watch.1 |
20:58:26 watch.1 | This is not the recommended mode of installation for production. Instead, install the package from PyPI with: pip install frappe-bench
20:58:26 watch.1 |
20:58:26 watch.1 |
20:58:26 watch.1 | yarn run v1.22.19
20:58:27 watch.1 | $ node esbuild --watch --live-reload
20:58:27 web.1 | * Running on all addresses (
20:58:27 web.1 | WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
20:58:27 web.1 | * Running on
20:58:27 web.1 | * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
20:58:27 web.1 | * Restarting with stat
20:58:28 web.1 | * Debugger is active!
20:58:28 web.1 | * Debugger PIN: 111-432-073
20:58:28 watch.1 | clean: postcss.plugin was deprecated. Migration guide:
20:58:28 watch.1 | evilmartianscom/chronicles/postcss-8-plugin-migration
20:58:28 watch.1 | clean: postcss.plugin was deprecated. Migration guide:
20:58:28 watch.1 |evilmartianscom/chronicles/postcss-8-plugin-migration
20:58:39 web.1 | - - [19/Jul/2022 20:58:39] “GET / HTTP/1.1” 404 -
20:58:43 watch.1 | clean: postcss.plugin was deprecated. Migration guide:
20:58:43 watch.1 | https:/evilmartianscom/chronicles/postcss-8-plugin-migration
20:58:43 watch.1 | clean: postcss.plugin was deprecated. Migration guide:
20:58:43 watch.1 | https:/evilmartianscom/chronicles/postcss-8-plugin-migration
20:58:44 watch.1 | clean: postcss.plugin was deprecated. Migration guide:
20:58:44 watch.1 | https:/evilmartianscom/chronicles/postcss-8-plugin-migration
20:58:45 watch.1 | clean: postcss.plugin was deprecated. Migration guide:
20:58:45 watch.1 | https:/evilmartianscom/chronicles/postcss-8-plugin-migration
20:58:45 watch.1 | clean: postcss.plugin was deprecated. Migration guide:
20:58:45 watch.1 | https:/evilmartianscom/chronicles/postcss-8-plugin-migration
20:58:45 watch.1 | Watching for changes…
20:58:50 web.1 | - - [19/Jul/2022 20:58:50] “GET / HTTP/1.1” 404 -


I may help to say what method of installation is being used and the hosting environment.


can say it?

use from this if anyone has this problem

bench use [your site]

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