Printable Report in Version 4?


I know that reports are printable now in version 5 … but I can’t magnate to version 5 these days due to some issues I have

So, Is there any way to make it printable in version 4 ??
How did you solve this in version 5 … show me the code for it please


Okay if this is not possible in this version, at least I want my letterhead to be appeared in the reports as pdf … HOW ?? I have created a letter head but the problem the reports are downloaded as EXEL file without the letterhead… !!

Please Help

I don’t think thats possible either.

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Okay thanks

I now switch to erpnext 5 , and when I want to print a report the letter head which I have created in setup and marked it as defualt is not showing ?? Why this too??

I don’t think letter head is added. Can you add this as a feature request on GitHub