Print formats in V.5?

Hello everyone.
I have a problem with print format in ERP V.5
In ERP v4. I using “doc.entries” that can run, but I can’t using in V.5.
my code in Payment Receipt Voucher print format

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-9 text-left" >  
    <div class="col-sm-3" >
      <p>Số: {{}}</p>
      <p>Nợ: {{doc.entries[0].account|truncate(10,end="")}}</p>
      {%- if frappe.db.get_value("Purchase Taxes and Charges", {"parent": doc.entries[0].against_voucher}, "account_head") -%}
          <p>Nợ: {{frappe.db.get_value("Purchase Taxes and Charges", {"parent": doc.entries[0].against_voucher}, "account_head")|truncate(10,end="")}}</p>
      {%- endif -%}
      <p>Nợ: {{frappe.db.get_value("Purchase Taxes and Charges", {"parent": doc.entries[0].against_voucher}, "account_head")}}</p>
      <p>Có: {{doc.entries[0].against_account|truncate(10,end="")}} </p>

The table names have changed in V5 (please check the DocType for Journal Voucher)

We will make sure the print formats are backward compatible though. Please await release notes.