Print Format of Sales Invoice

Hello guys. So am trying to print a sales invoice and I get this error; "TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: ‘NoneType’ and ‘int’ " What could really be the issue?

I believe your print format has custom calculation which causing the issue, the error meant NoneType cannot be divided by int. Could verify your custom calculation both has value or not.

The custom calculation is based on taxes or where specifically?

Could u copy paste ur print format code here for better understanding

Can u copy paster Bakeking 2021 print format code over here

And also please think twice before pasting ur data here, it may contain P&C matters. Just paste code



{%- macro add_header(page_num, max_pages, doc, letter_head, no_letterhead) -%} {% if letter_head and not no_letterhead %}
{{ letter_head }}
{% endif %} {%- if doc.meta.is_submittable and doc.docstatus==0-%}

{{ _("PROFORMA") }}

{%- endif -%} {%- if doc.meta.is_submittable and doc.docstatus==2-%}

{{ _("CANCELLED") }}

{%- endif -%} {% if max_pages > 1 %}

{{ _("Page #{0} of {1}").format(page_num, max_pages) }}

{% endif %} {%- endmacro -%}

{{ add_header(0,1,doc,letter_head, no_letterhead) }}

Customer Details INVOICE NUMBER : {{}}
{{ doc.customer_name }}
{{ doc.address_display or '' }}
Invoice Date {{ doc.get_formatted("posting_date") or '' }}
Order Date {{ doc.get_formatted("po_date") or '' }}
P.O Number {{ doc.get_formatted("po_no") or '' }}
Due Date {{ doc.get_formatted("due_date") or '' }}
Sales Person {%- for row in doc.sales_team -%} {{ row.sales_person }}
{%- endfor -%}
{% set this_docs_vat_rate = frappe.db.get_value("Sales Taxes and Charges", {"parent":}, "rate") %} {% set taxable = {'amount_origin': 0, 'tax':0} %} {% set non_taxable = {'amount_origin': 0, 'tax':0} %} {% set discount = {'total': 0} %} {%- for row in doc.items -%}
		<td style="width: 15%; text-align: right;">
		    <!--{{ "%.2f"|format(row.rate * (1+(this_docs_vat_rate/100))  )}}-->
		    {% if row.item_tax_template %}
    	        {% set item_tax = frappe.get_doc('Item Tax Template', row.item_tax_template) %}
    	        {% set ttotal = {'val': 0} %}
    	        {% for i in item_tax.taxes %}
    	            {% if ttotal.update({'val': ttotal['val']+i.tax_rate}) %} {% endif %}
    	        {% endfor %}
    	        {% if ttotal['val']>0 %}
    	            {% if taxable.update({'amount_origin': taxable['amount_origin']+row.amount}) %} {% endif %}
    	            {% for i in item_tax.taxes %}
        	            {% if taxable.update({'tax': taxable['tax']+row.amount*(i.tax_rate/100)}) %} {% endif %}
    	            {% endfor %}
    	        {% else %}
        	             {% if non_taxable.update({'amount_origin': non_taxable['amount_origin']+row.amount}) %} {% endif %}
        	    {% endif %}
    	        {% for i in item_tax.taxes %}
    	        {% endfor %}
        	 {% else %}
        	        {% if non_taxable.update({'amount_origin': non_taxable['amount_origin']+row.amount}) %} {% endif %}
        	 {% endif %}
		<td style="width: 24%; text-align: right;">{{
			row.get_formatted("amount", doc) }}</td>
			{% if discount.update({'total': discount['total']+row.discount_amount}) %} {% endif %}
	{%- endfor -%}
    <TD colspan=5 rowspan=5>
        Amount in Words<br>
        <B>{{ doc.base_in_words }}</B>
<Th WIDTH=15% align=right><B>Taxable Amount</B></Th>
<Td WIDTH=15% align=right><B>{{frappe.format_value(taxable['amount_origin'], {'fieldtype': 'Currency', 'options': 'KSH'})}}</B></Td>
No Item Name Qty Rate Disc. VAT Amount
{{ row.idx }} {{ row.description }}  Batch: {{ row.batch_no }} {{ row.qty }} {{ "%.2f"|format(row.rate +(row.discount_amount) ) }}
{{ "%.2f"|format(row.discount_amount * row.qty)}}
VAT {{ doc.get_formatted("base_total_taxes_and_charges", doc) }}
Exempted Amount {{frappe.format_value(non_taxable['amount_origin'], {'fieldtype': 'Currency', 'options': 'KSH'})}}
Discount {% set disc = doc.grand_total - ((doc.additional_discount_percentage/100) * doc.grand_total) %} {{frappe.format_value(doc.discount_amount, {'fieldtype': 'Currency', 'options': 'KSH'})}}
Amount Payable {{ doc.get_formatted("rounded_total", doc) }}
Terms and Conditions
{{ doc.terms or '' }}

From your code, I can see that ur using / as per the followings (3 places), could u try to remove all the 3 below and test it out? Remove it, don’t just comment it out. If no error it mean any of this has no value.

Lemme do that

Not working buddy

Did u remove all the 3 lines also after u saved the print format make sure u validate the 3 lines are removed because sometimes it will revert back to the 1st save? If ur 100% sure the code is not there, make sure to do Reload to clear the cache and try printing it out.

