Print Format Issues Fetching Purchase Invoice Item table into another Doctype such as Payment Entry


I am new to ERPNext and currently trying to create a custom Print format where the requirement is to bring the Purchase Invoice Item Information in a custom Print Format for Payment Entry.

In short, in Payment Entry we have the Item table consisting of Purchase Invoice Reference Name, now i need those invoices corresponding information such as Item, Accepted Qty, Rate, Amount.

For the current doctype I am the below snippet.

	<span style="top:9.1cm;left: 1.7cm;
		position: absolute;">
		{%- for item in doc.references -%}

			{{ item.reference_name }}<br>

	{%- endfor -%}
			<span style="top:9.1cm;left: 16.0cm;
		position: absolute;">
		{%- for item in doc.references -%}

			{{ item.allocated_amount  }}<br>

	{%- endfor -%}

Can anyone help to bring values from another doctype?

Best Regards,

@Kartive_lfc, Try this

<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
<th>Sr. No</th>
<th>Due Date</th>
<th>Item Name</th>
{% for items in doc.references %}
		<td>{{ items.idx }} </td>
		<td>{{ items.reference_doctype }} </td>
		<td>{{ items.reference_name }} </td>
		<td>{{ items.due_date }} </td>
{%	set result=frappe.db.get_value("Purchase Invoice Item",filters={'parent':items.reference_name},fieldname=['rate','qty','amount','item_name'],as_dict=true) %}
		<td>{{ result.item_name }} </td>
		<td>{{ result.qty }} </td>
		<td>{{ result.rate }} </td>
		<td>{{ result.amount }} </td>
		<td>{{ items.outstanding_amount }} </td>
		<td>{{ items.allocated_amount }} </td>
{% endfor %}

I hope this solves your problem.


Thanks @ROHAN_JAIN1, it helped a lot :smiley:

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Thankyou, it helps a lot.
But using this code, it is showing only 1 item instead of all items.
Please help me. How can I show all items?

You need
for docInvoice in doc.references
for item in docInvoice.items


Please tell me how to use it as I am getting jinja error after using this. I think that I am using in wrong way.

Here is my code:

{% for items in doc.references %}

{%	set result=frappe.db.get_value("Sales Invoice Item",filters={'parent':items.reference_name},fieldname=['rate','qty','amount','item_name'],as_dict=true) %}

Received a sum of ₹{{ items.allocated_amount }} ({{ frappe.utils.money_in_words(items.allocated_amount ) }}), from {{ doc.party_name }} {{ frappe.db.get_value("Address", doc.shipping_address_name, "address_line1") }}, {{ frappe.db.get_value("Address", doc.shipping_address_name, "city") }},  {{ frappe.db.get_value("Address", doc.shipping_address_name, "pincode") }}, {{ frappe.db.get_value("Address", doc.shipping_address_name, "state") }}, {{ frappe.db.get_value("Address", doc.shipping_address_name, "country") }} by cash on account of 
{% for item in docInvoice.items %}
{{ result.item_name }}.
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<strong style="float: right;">Cashier</strong>


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Please elaborate more.
I will be very thankful to you.

in place of docInvoice.Items it should be doc.items only

But problem is same. After doing changes which you said, item name is not printing.

{% for items in doc.references %}

{%	set result=frappe.db.get_value("Sales Invoice Item",filters={'parent':items.reference_name},fieldname=['rate','qty','amount','item_name'],as_dict=true) %}

<b>Received amount: </b> {{ frappe.db.get_value("Payment Entry", doc.payment_amounts_section, "paid_amount") }} from <b>{{ doc.party_name }} {{ frappe.db.get_value("Address", doc.shipping_address_name, "address_line1") }}, {{ frappe.db.get_value("Address", doc.shipping_address_name, "city") }},  {{ frappe.db.get_value("Address", doc.shipping_address_name, "pincode") }}, {{ frappe.db.get_value("Address", doc.shipping_address_name, "state") }}, {{ frappe.db.get_value("Address", doc.shipping_address_name, "country") }}</b> on account of 
{% for item in doc.items %}
{{ result.item_name }}.
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

EDIT - hope this will help.

 {% for items in doc.references %}
 {% for result in frappe.db.get_list("Sales Invoice Item",filters={'parent':items.reference_name},fields=['rate','qty','amount','item_name']) %}
	<td>{{ items.idx }} </td>
	<td>{{ items.reference_doctype }} </td>
	<td>{{ items.reference_name }} </td>
	<td>{{ items.due_date }} </td>
	<td>{{ result.item_name }}</td>
	<td>{{ result.qty }} </td>
	<td>{{ result.rate }} </td>
	<td>{{ result.amount }} </td>
	<td>{{ items.outstanding_amount }} </td>
	<td>{{ items.allocated_amount }} </td>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Thankyou very much.